
    Home Cleansing

    Looking to cleanse and clear your space?  Bring the energy of you home back into balance with a spiritual and herbal home clearing. 

    Having a safe and comfortable space to come home to is very important. Through many mediums, Sara is able to clear spaces of stagnant and negative energies, bringing back a healthy energetic state. 

    Let’s work together to create a custom clearing for your space.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Price: $55


    Custom Incense Blend

    Incense and our sense of smell are powerful healing tools

    Our sense of smell is our oldest sense, and connects us deeply to memories and parts of our lives that are otherwise forgotten.  Scent can help you remember, motivate you to move towards a new goal, or help lift you out of a tough place.

    Whether you are looking to create a custom blend that smells great, or find a unique blend to assist in your healing, let Sara create something magical just for you.

    Duration: 15 minutes

    Price: $25


    Custom Ritual Bath Blend

    Absorb the healing properties of plants through your skin! 

    Let Sara create a custom ritual bath for energetic clearing and physical relief. Sara will use her extensive knowledge of herbs and energy to create a bath based in herbal and traditional healing rituals.

    Detox your body and reconnect with yourself in a warm healing soak

    Your custom bath is created by Sara after a short, 15 minute consultation with you.

    Duration: 15 minutes

    Price: $33

    Book Now


    Hummingbird Healing

    Hummingbirds are fierce, joyful creatures, and bring a powerful energy to healing work. 

    Our Hummingbird Healing is an energy based healing, similar to a Reiki attunement.  .

    Hummingbird medicine works with the energy that comes from our sacred hummingbird friends, and helps to attune you to the joy and beauty of life. 

    Duration: 1 hour

    Price: $85


    Spiritual Cleansing - Limpia

    Cleanse, Clear, Reset.

    When your world is feeling heavy or it feels like you need to shake something off that you’ve been carrying, clear yourself with a Limpia cleansing.

    Sara will carefully select the proper plants to help you through difficult times or times of change, and perform a Limpia, or plant cleansing just for you.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Price: $55